Asbestos Exposure and Mesothelioma in Auto Workers


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Sep 10, 2023

Asbestos Exposure and Mesothelioma in Auto Workers

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Asbestos exposure in mechanics and automotive workers is an ongoing problem. Clutches, brakes, and other materials contained asbestos for decades, putting mechanics and others at risk of mesothelioma. Workers replacing or fixing these parts, or cleaning up in the workplace, are at risk of exposure even today.[1]

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The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) banned asbestos in many but not all capacities. Most manufacturers of new cars stopped using asbestos in the 1990s because of the health risks. The biggest risk to automotive workers today is in older, aftermarket, and imported car parts.

Car parts that may contain asbestos include:[2]

Many mechanics falsely believe that asbestos is no longer a risk for them. While many uses of asbestos have been outlawed in the U.S., there is no asbestos ban.

Older car parts still contain asbestos, and it is perfectly legal to keep using them. When mechanics work on older cars or with these older parts, they are still at risk of inhaling asbestos fibers from the dust created during maintenance and repair work.

Older cars and car parts pose a risk, but so do aftermarket parts. Any parts that come from overseas, especially those from India or China, can contain asbestos. Even some new, high-end, and luxury cars imported from other countries may have asbestos in certain parts.

Most American car companies do not use asbestos parts in the manufacturing of new vehicles. However, past workers risked exposure to asbestos when assembling vehicles using asbestos components.

Manufacturing plants also likely contained asbestos in construction materials and machinery. Many factories of all types had asbestos in:

Asbestos that is contained and not disrupted poses a low risk of exposure. It is when the fibers break loose from a material that a person nearby may inhale or ingest them without even realizing it is happening.

Any dust produced by automotive work with asbestos-containing parts could lead to exposure:[3]

If you are inhaling or ingesting asbestos fibers, you may not get sick. The heavier the exposure and the longer duration of time you experience exposure, the bigger the risk.

Those tiny fibers that you may not even notice can get lodged in tissues in the body, like little needles. There they can cause damage and inflammation that lead to disease.[4]

It usually takes decades to feel the consequences of exposure. Respiratory symptoms may include difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, chest pain, and coughing.

Asbestos may trigger damage in and around the lungs that causes pleural mesothelioma, lung cancer, or asbestosis, a progressive lung scarring.[4]

Ingested fibers can trigger peritoneal mesothelioma or other cancers of the abdominal organs and tissues. Symptoms of peritoneal mesothelioma include swelling and pain in the abdomen, a feeling of fullness, bowel obstruction, constipation, nausea, weight loss, anemia, and diarrhea.[5]

Although they have not been extensively studied, some research confirms that auto workers are at a greater risk of developing mesothelioma and other asbestos illness.

A recent study was published in 2018 and looked at both pleural and peritoneal mesothelioma in brake mechanics. It found hundreds of cases of asbestos illnesses in mechanics in the U.S. and worldwide. The researchers determined that asbestos exposure in mechanics is an ongoing problem.[6]

A study from 2000 sampled dust from six different auto repair shops in different states. The researchers found that most of them contained asbestos and that mechanics and other workers in the shops were at increased risk for mesothelioma.[7]

There are many jobs associated with automotive plants and mechanic shops. Anyone in these workplaces where asbestos is in use could be exposed. The workers with the highest risks included:

Many companies supplied the auto industry with parts. Some of those companies made asbestos-containing parts at least through the 1980s:

If you are an auto mechanic, even if you don't directly handle these parts that can contain asbestos, it is essential to understand and follow the safety guidelines outlined by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).

OSHA outlines specific practices, step-by-step, for working safely with clutches and brakes specifically. There are a few different acceptable methods for safe brake and clutch work:[8]

OSHA also recommends that mechanics assume that all brakes and clutches contain asbestos. It is not possible to look at a clutch assembly or the dust from clutches and brakes and know if asbestos is in the dust. Assuming that it is there keeps workers safe.

Even if you don't work in the automotive industry or as a mechanic, you could be at risk of asbestos exposure if you work on your own car. If you use aftermarket car parts, especially brakes and clutches in your project cars, they probably contain asbestos.

While new car manufacturers rarely use asbestos in components today, older parts and aftermarket parts still contain asbestos. Many aftermarket parts that project car enthusiasts choose are from overseas because these are cheaper options.

Most of the parts imported from India or China contain asbestos. According to a report on this issue, the number of imported asbestos brakes used in the U.S. increased by 83% between 1996 and 2006.[1]

Choose higher-cost brakes and clutches made in the U.S. for your project car to avoid exposure, and if you do work with aftermarket parts, make sure you do so safely. Use protective clothing and a respirator. Wet asbestos-containing parts as you work with them, and clean up carefully and safely.[9]

Working with cars can still be hazardous to your health because of the potential for exposure to lingering asbestos in certain components. Mechanics regularly working on clutches and brakes face the biggest risks, but anyone working in a shop or on their own cars must avoid exposure.

Some mechanics and auto workers have fought back against the companies that harmed them and own important verdicts:

Whether you were a professional mechanic or a weekend enthusiast, you could have been exposed to asbestos if you worked on cars. See your doctor to talk about the risks and any screenings you need.

If you worked on cars and already have a diagnosis of an asbestos illness, contact an experienced asbestos lawyer to help you decide what to do next. They can review your case for free and provide advice and information on companies responsible for your exposure.

You might be able to file a lawsuit against the manufacturers of brakes, clutches, and other asbestos car parts. If those companies went bankrupt, a lawyer can help you find an asbestos trust fund and determine if you are eligible to make a claim.

Guidance from an asbestos lawyer gives you the best chance of getting the compensation you deserve, but don't wait. Your opportunity to get justice will not last forever.

Mary Ellen Ellis has been the head writer for since 2016. With hundreds of mesothelioma and asbestos articles to her credit, she is one of the most experienced writers on these topics. Her degrees and background in science and education help her explain complicated medical topics for a wider audience. Mary Ellen takes pride in providing her readers with the critical information they need following a diagnosis of an asbestos-related illness.

Dave has been a mesothelioma Patient Advocate for over 10 years. He consistently attends all major national and international mesothelioma meetings. In doing so, he is able to stay on top of the latest treatments, clinical trials, and research results. He also personally meets with mesothelioma patients and their families and connects them with the best medical specialists and legal representatives available.

Car parts that may contain asbestos include: Older car parts still contain asbestos, Older cars and car parts pose a risk, but so do aftermarket parts. Any dust produced by automotive work with asbestos-containing parts could lead to exposure It usually takes decades to feel the consequences of exposure. pleural mesothelioma, lung cancer, or asbestosis hundreds of cases of asbestos illnesses in mechanics acceptable methods for safe brake and clutch work: assume that all brakes and clutches contain asbestos. you could be at risk of asbestos exposure if you work on your own car. imported asbestos brakes used in the U.S. increased by 83% between 1996 and 2006. He often worked with brakes, clutches, and other asbestos parts A jury awarded the family $81.5 million. a Washington jury awarded Tomas Sorrentino's family and estate $5.75 million. A Missouri jury awarded mechanic Bill Trokey and his wife $20 million after he developed mesothelioma If you worked on cars and already have a diagnosis of an asbestos illness, contact an experienced asbestos lawyer a lawyer can help you find an asbestos trust fund